Video Camera Repair,camera repair, factory authorized camera repair, warranty camera repair,Digital Camera Repair, Video and Camcorder Repair
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Used, Refurbished and Repair to:
Digital Cameras
Compact Cameras
Digital And Film
SLR Cameras
Medium Format Cameras
Large Format Cameras
iPods, Phones and LCD
打印机维修,传真机维修,epson维修站 上海数码相机/数码摄像机快车维修服务中心传真机维修 
上海特约数码维修中心:提供维修、检测、调试、保养、清洗数码相机、摄像机等服务.专业数码相机维修:卡西欧 (CAISO)、富士(FUJIFILM)、理光(RICOH)、柯达(KODAK)、柯尼卡美能达(KONICAMINDTA)、三星(SANSUNG)、索尼(SONY)、佳能 (CANON)、奥林巴斯 (OLYMPUS)、宾得(PENTAX)、松下(PANASONIC)、尼康(NIKON)等世界性全城数码相机数码摄像机。具有更换芯片、元器件级别的维修能力。

Digital camera repair

Digital cameras can be very expensive to repair. They are built compactly and have many electronic components that makes disassembly, calibration and repair difficult. Our easy-to-understand guide contains useful information about things to do and consider before sending in your camera for repair.

数码相机维修项目:快门、光圈、镜头、带仓精修,按键精修;主板、硬盘诊断及维修,电源板、闪光板测试及维修 ;感应器、变焦对焦维修
Camera Repair Services,SLR Camera Repair,Camcorder Repair,Infrared Camera Conversion,Flash Modification

Professional Camera Repair
The complete repair resource for the Professional Photographer

Precision Camera's Professional Services Division strives to be the industry leader as the One Stop Shop to the professional photographer. We achieve this by offering camera and lens repair services on the full spectrum of products used by the working professional, employing the highest skilled technicians, utilizing state-of-the-art test equipment and continuously evolving with the industry.

Repair & Support Capabilities
Professional Level DSLR & Film SLR
High-End ED & L Series Lenses
On-Camera Electronic Flash Units
Quality Driven, Factory Trained Camera && Lense Repair Technicians
Fast Service, most camera & lens repairs completed in less than 3 days
State-of-the-art Camera & Lens Test Lab
Professional Camera Repair Services
Precision Cameras professional services division offers the repair, cleaning and calibration of professional level photographic products on many types of equipment. We service digital SLR cameras, film based SLR cameras, high-end ED & L series lenses and on-camera electronic flash units from manufacturers such as Canon, Fuji, & Nikon. Our professional camera and lens repair services are performed by the industries most experienced, factory trained, quality driven technicians. We understand that you need your equipment back in your hands as quickly as possible. Our professional services division can turn around most repairs in less than three days. Rush repairs completed within 24 - 48 hours are available upon request. We can also provide a "same-day" cleaning of your cameras image sensor.

Dedicated Level 2 & 3 Technical Support
Unique to the camera repair industry, Precision Camera offers proactive level 2 & 3 technical support for the professional photographer. We have dedicated level 2 customer service staff within our world-class call center to handle most of your inquiries. To take this level of service and support a step beyond your expectations, we have level 3 technical advisors working directly within the repair group. This empowers us to get you the detailed technical information desired. You need to talk with staff that understands your professional camera equipment and how it’s used, - and our technical advisors are here to achieve that goal.

State-of-the-art Camera & Lens Test Lab
At Precision Camera we strive to acquire the highest level of test equipment required to perform precise calibration and adjustment of your professional camera equipment. This equipment includes laser based camera shutter speed testers, exposure test systems and light meter calibration units. We also have multiple dedicated computer based camera and lens adjusting workstations and numerous optical collimators. We have a custom built lens test room in which we can perform key optical tests such as barrel distortion, pincushion distortion, chromatic aberration, coma, vignetting, flare, sharpness, field curvature, diffraction, modulation transfer function subjective quality factor ,center to corner sharpness, rectilinearity and more.

Professional Services - Coming Soon!
Watch this page for announcements on new professional services currently being added. Such as, repairs on studio lighting, medium format digital camera backs and underwater photographic equipment.

Our experience with the repair of professional photographic equipment enables us to provide a repair price that includes basic parts and calibration to bring your camera back up to full manufacturer performance specifications.

For additional information regarding Professional camera repairs Contact Precision Camera Pro Services Division. You can also reach our professional services division by phone at 021-543795O6
   It’s no fun when a digital camera stops working! But the fact is, though rare, it does happen.

Digital camera repairs can be expensive if not covered under warranty or a service advisory. Do a few self-tests first and then call tech support prior to sending your camera to the manufacturer or authorized repair center.

Common digital camera problems
One of the most common digital camera problems is that the zoom lens stops working. The camera won’t focus or fire and you get a dreaded error message. This usually the result of the lens being knocked out of alignment.

Other common problems include broken hinges on memory card doors, broken battery covers and scratched or cracked LCDs. Memory card contacts can become damaged if a card is forced into the slot the wrong way.

Faulty digital camera sensor
Occasionally, a digital camera sensor will begin exhibiting problems. When a sensor goes bad, images may exhibit some or all of the following:

Strong tints or color casts
A series of strange lines running across images
Image distortion.
What to check before sending a digital camera for repair
Low batteries low – a camera may not function properly when batteries a low. Insert a fully charged set to see if things improve.
Camera controls – it’s easy to inadvertently hit the wrong button or change a menu. Check your settings.
Full memory card – when a memory card is full, a digital camera may not turn on.
Reset the camera – reset either via a menu or by removing the batteries for about 24 hours.


数码相机维修 数码摄像机维修
镜头精修 图像不良维修 带仓维修 主板维修
主板维修 CCD维修 图像不良维修 电源板维修
电源板维修 卡槽维修 磁鼓维修 换屏维修
换屏维修 对焦调试 结露维修 磁鼓清洁
闪光灯维修 暗点擦除 屏线维修 镜头除霉
快门维修 进水救护 变焦维修 进水救护
单反机维修 图像/数据恢复
镜头精修 对焦调试 CF卡数据恢复 移动硬盘数据恢复
主板维修 CCD/CMOS清洁 SD卡数据恢复 数码伴侣数据恢复
电源板维修 整机清洁 XD卡数据恢复
换屏维修 卡槽维修 长短棒数据恢复
闪光灯维修 暗点擦除 U盘数据恢复
上海数码相机维修中心021-543795O6数码相机维修 摄像机维修 数码摄像机维修 单反相机维修 索尼数码相机维修 佳能数码相机维修 数码照相机维修












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打印机维修,维修站点维修OA设备类型:激光打印机,(彩色)喷墨打印机,针式打印机,票据打印机,条码打印机,标签打印机,视频打印机,维修全城:三星(SAMSUNG),松下(PANASONIC),理光(RICOH),夏普(SHARP)、佳能(CANON),惠普(HP)、兄弟(BROTHER),利盟(Lexmark),方正(Founder) 文杰,联想LENOVO打印机,东芝(TOSHIBA)条码打印机爱普生EPSON,ARGOX(立象),Zebra(斑马).施乐等
报修电话:021-   专注领域20年 
浦东维修站:陆家嘴商城路341号紫光大厦1301室 (近浦城路)
业务渠道合作021-转渠道 部欧阳先生